Galvanin inaugura Franciacorta con una vittoria!

25.09.2020 18:40

Prosegue la striscia positiva di Elia Galvanin il quale, al Kartodromo Franciacorta, ha colto un altro importante successo nella gara valida per il 5° round del Rotax MAX Challenge Italia.

Il pilota di Altavilla Vicentina ha inaugurato pertanto nel migliore dei modi la propria avventura sul rinnovato impianto di Franciacorta che ha debuttato proprio la scorsa settimana nel calendario Rotax. Galvanin, senza mai aver visto la pista, è stato sempre tra i più veloci del lotto e, dopo una qualifica complessa terminata in 8a posizione, ha chiuso 3° in Prefinale e poi ha vinto in Finale.

Elia Galvanin: «Non era facile prendere parte ad un weekend di gara senza aver prima provato la pista. Ho avuto relativamente poco tempo per abituarmi al tracciato e step by step ho trovato il limite. Sono felice di questa vittoria e posso dirlo: Franciacorta è una pista che mi piace molto».



Winning first time for Galvanin in Franciacorta


The positive streak of Elia Galvanin continues who, at the Franciacorta Kartodromo, has taken another success in the race valid for the 5th round of the Rotax MAX Challenge Italy.


The Altavilla Vicentina driver, therefore, inaugurated his adventure on the renewed Franciacorta plant in the best possible way, which debuted just last week in the Rotax calendar. Despite being at his first time in that track, Galvanin was always fast, after a difficult qualifying finished in 8th position, he finished 3rd in the Prefinal and then won in the Final.


Elia Galvanin: «It wasn't easy to take part in a race weekend without having first tried the track. I had relatively little time to get used to the track, and step by step, I found the limit. I am happy with this victory, and I can say it: Franciacorta is a track that I like ».


The positive streak of Elia Galvanin continues who, at the Franciacorta Kartodromo, has taken another success in the race valid for the 5th round of the Rotax MAX Challenge Italy.
The Altavilla Vicentina driver, therefore, inaugurated his adventure on the renewed Franciacorta plant in the best possible way, which debuted just last week in the Rotax calendar. Despite being at his first time in that track, Galvanin was always fast, after a difficult qualifying finished in 8th position, he finished 3rd in the Prefinal and then won in the Final.
Elia Galvanin: «It wasn't easy to take part in a race weekend without having first tried the track. I had relatively little time to get used to the track, and step by step, I found the limit. I am happy with this victory, and I can say it: Franciacorta is a track that I like ».